During an investigation, the officer will determine if the alleged violations of misconduct have merit and/or warrant further investigation or adjudication. The officer, upon the completion of the investigation, will determine the appropriate course of action, which may include, but is not limited to:
- Taking no further action on the referral, which may include deferring the investigation if it is plausible that more information will be available at a later time.
- Providing the accused student written notice of charges and options to resolve the charges under the university discipline procedures.
- In appropriate cases, the conduct officer may pursue alternative resolutions with the consent of all parties at any point in the investigation process. Alternative resolution options may include but are not limited to, mediation, development action plans, voluntary resolutions, and/or appropriate sanctions.
A hearing provides an administrative hearing officer or hearing commission the opportunity to:
- Consider charges brought against a respondent
- Allow the parties an opportunity to make additional statements
- Review and weigh the evidence gathered in the investigation
- Determine whether the respondent is responsible for the misconduct charges
The administrative hearing office or hearing commission may also consider information relevant to aggravating and mitigating circumstances necessary to administer a sanction if the respondent is found responsible for one or more charges.
Either the complainant or respondent may appeal the hearing decision.
If the facts are not in dispute, the respondent may accept responsibility. The university may issue disciplinary outcomes including, but not limited to, formal warning, probation, suspension, or expulsion. The university may also impose additional sanctions.
In appropriate cases, an alternative resolution may be the outcome, with the consent of both the complainant and respondent. This would take place during the assessment or investigation step. Outcomes are recorded and tracked with the intake data. For reporting purposes, all open incidents are tracked by key milestones throughout the process.
If the respondent denies responsibility, the university will proceed to determine whether or not the respondent is responsible based on the evidence obtained during the investigation.
Both the complainant and the respondent have the option to appeal the disciplinary outcomes. If either party appeals, the case will move on to the appeals process.
The complainant or respondent may appeal the hearing decision to the senior student affairs administrator on the respective campus, or their designee.
To initiate an appeal, the complainant or respondent must send written notice to the designated official. The written notice must include the basis for seeking the appeal and supporting information.
If no written request for an appeal is received by the university within the time specified, the request will not be reviewed, any sanction(s) proposed by the hearing panel will be imposed, and the action will be final.