Call 911 if you need immediate help
You must call 911 or contact campus police if you or someone else is in immediate danger.
You must call 911 or contact campus police if you or someone else is in immediate danger.
Indiana University is committed to creating welcoming, inclusive, and respectful campus communities where everyone can thrive and do their best work—a place where all are treated with civility and respect. If you have experienced a bias incident, you can submit a report to alert the university. Reporting an incident allows IU to support those impacted and take steps to prevent future incidents.
Campus Contact Name
Contact Title
A bias incident is any conduct, speech, or expression, motivated in whole or in part by bias or prejudice meant to intimidate, demean, mock, degrade, marginalize, or threaten individuals or groups based on that individual or group's actual or perceived identities.
A campus team of trained university officials privately reviews all submitted bias incident reports with responses typically 1-2 business days of reporting an incident.
The university's response includes: | Possible outcomes include: |
Contact the Office for Institutional Equity if you are a faculty or staff member who has experienced a bias incident.
Indiana University fosters campus communities where all are welcomed, valued, respected, and belong. In furthering this mission, IU’s bias response officials provide support resources to impacted parties, promote education and dialogue, and affirm the university’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
What We Do: | What We Don’t Do: |
The bias incident response officials are not sanctioning bodies and do not determine or implement consequences. Therefore, if you believe the incident is criminal or violates the student code of conduct or university policy, please contact the appropriate office below.
As an institution of higher education, IU encourages the free and civil exchange of ideas and academic freedom. While the topics can sometimes be controversial and uncomfortable, IU's student-centered campuses embrace an environment where all voices are heard and valued. In addition, civility and respect are expected between and among members of the campus community so that all community members thrive and develop intellectually and ethically.
Indiana University offers various educational opportunities across its campuses for staff, faculty, and students to foster an inclusive and respectful environment that encourages dialogue and interaction about issues related to equity, social justice, and intersectional diversity.
We invite you to explore the work of Indiana University faculty and staff whose academic, personal, and professional commitment to anti-racist, diversity, equity, and inclusion work establishes IU as a national leader.